Boisterous Equipment Now Distributing Zard Exhausts

Author: Grae Olsen   Date Posted: 13 October 2023 

Zard Exhausts In AustraliaWe are please to announce that Boisterous Equipment are now distributing Zard Exhausts in Australia.

Each Zard exhaust is handmade in Italy to offer a unique craftsmanship product of the highest quality. They are also created as a unique piece at the time of ordering, so it can take a little while to get them in, but we are stocking some pre-made ones on the shelves here in Bunbury.

Like all new brands, it may take some time for us to get all of Zard's exhausts listed on our website, so in the meantime if you are chasing a particular exhaust please contact us and we can add it to the next shipment.

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